‘Merging Tsunami’ Hit Japan

The shocking discovery before this was that the Japan tsunami was taller than a 10-story building and the tallest one ever in Japan. Here’s why the tsunami was so powerful: it wasn’t a single tsunami that hit Japan. A ‘merging tsunami’ was only a theory until it hit Japan.

‘NASA and Ohio State University researchers have discovered the major tsunami generated by the March 2011 Tohoku-Oki quake centered off northeastern Japan was a long-hypothesized “merging tsunami.” The tsunami doubled in intensity over rugged ocean ridges, amplifying its destructive power at landfall.

‘Data from NASA and European radar satellites captured at least two wave fronts that day. The fronts merged to form a single, double-high wave far out at sea. This wave was capable of traveling long distances without losing power. Ocean ridges and undersea mountain chains pushed the waves together along certain directions from the tsunami’s origin…’


One Obvious Occupy Achievement
OccupyWS Exposes Infant Police State

‘The protesters of the Occupy Wall Street movement took to the streets to draw attention to corporate greed and the uneven distribution of wealth in the United States. In the end most media attention they got wasn’t for their economic messages, but for the extreme treatment that they suffered at the hands and boots of the police. If the protesters can’t expose corruption in the highest echelons of the banking system, perhaps they can expose the much more pressing and perhaps frightening development in the United States: The extreme militarization and illegal tactics of the police in the United States.

‘Over the years, the escalation of the “War on Drugs” has lead to increasing number of police stations across the country to begin training their officers in the use of more sophisticated weaponry and tactics. Due to fear mongering on all levels of government, the United States citizenry has sat silent over the years, believing that the increasing military style presence of the police all around them was for their own protection…’

Rare Disagreement Over OWS
Occupy even makes twins disagree

‘Nicole Carty and her twin sister Jill Carty have been arguing about politics since they were teenagers, so it’s no surprise that Occupy Wall Street has become a contentious topic of conversation.
‘Nicole majored in sociology at Brown University and is now an organizer with the Occupy Wall Street movement in New York. Jill has a degree in international studies and business from the University of Pennsylvania and she now works for a financial consulting firm…’


Dumb Criminal Department
Mugger Walloped by UFC Fighter
He tried to rob the fighter. Isn’t it fun if all muggers suffer the same fate?

‘“Justin” is 6 feet 2, 250 pounds, with a build that looks like it could split open a suit jacket during a particularly violent sneeze.
‘But the mixed martial arts expert from Des Plaines insists it was his “training,” not brawn, that allowed him to wrench a loaded pistol from the hand of an alleged mugger who had the weapon pointed at his chest Friday night on the Southwest Side.
‘“I don’t feel like a hero,” said Justin, who did not want his last name used. “Training matters. If you’re well trained, you have a chance to survive.”
‘Anthony Miranda’s bruised and battered face — and Justin’s unblemished, chiseled one — leaves no doubt about who came out the victor in the encounter…’


Tour the Titanic for $60K
That is if you’re not afraid to dive to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean

‘The trip is not for the claustrophobic, nor the 99 percent: a two-week cruise that includes one dive, lasting eight to 10 hours, costs $60,000.
‘But for fans of the Titanic, no price or privation is too great — especially with the 100th anniversary of the sinking coming up on April 15…’

About DigitalPlato

Poch is a Bookrix author and a freelance writer. He is a frequent contributor to TED Conversations.
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