Reverse-Engineering the Brain

Ray Kurzweil being interviewed by Barry Ptolem...

Ray Kurzweil being interviewed by Barry Ptolemy on the set of Transcendent Man. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

How long will it take for computers to exhibit human-level intelligence?
‘If you are obsessed (as you should be) with this question, there are several must-reads that will be referenced here. The first is the essay The Singularity Isn’t Near, published by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen in Technology Review, in which Allen takes Ray Kurzweil to task, arguing that computing speed alone won’t get us to sentient technology, while also questioning advances in AI as “narrow, rigid, and brittle.”…’

13,000 Satellites in Orbit [Video]
Real-time Satellites in Google Earth
Imagine if all these satellites suddenly become junk and rain on earth

‘The Earth appears to be swarmed by flies in this real-time portrayal of the positions of 13,000 satellites around the Earth collected by Analytic Graphics Inc.

Responsible, Useful Tweeting
27 Twitter Laws to Follow
I added this law to the list: Don’t linkbait. Many users will follow you then leave after you follow back. That’s linkbaiting. It’s shameless
7. But Not Too Active
You also don’t want to overload your followers’ feeds. You don’t need to tweet about what you and your brand are doing every second of the day
20. .@Mention
When you @mention someone, only people following that person will see it on their feeds. To avoid this, slip a period in before the @mention and all of your followers will see it!
22. RT Instead
Instead of clicking the retweet button on Twitter, use “RT” instead. This allows you to add a comment. It also allows you to better notify someone that you’ve retweeted their thoughts.

Blog Outreaching
‘Though many have different answers for this question, the overall definition is the same: it is the process of developing relationships with bloggers to offer them something of value to their audience with the goal of improving your brand. And improving your brand is left vague for a reason—as with most marketing campaigns, each is unique, and each have their own end goals. That doesn’t mean that blogger outreach campaigns can’t be organized into a set of steps and processes. In fact, save for a few processes, most blogger outreach campaigns are very similar. And it all begins with planning…’

About DigitalPlato

Poch is a Bookrix author and a freelance writer. He is a frequent contributor to TED Conversations.
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