Your Brain Peforms Better While It Slows Down

bbc-_75986702_woman_thinkstockThis verifies yoga meditation again. In scientific term, I’d like to call it biorhythm pacing
‘Best-selling author Steven Kotler recently visited Big Think to discuss the optimization of consciousness through flow states, a key topic in his recently published book, The Rise of Superman. The best way to describe a flow state is to use the example of practically every action movie released since The Matrix. Experiencing flow is similar to being in “bullet time.” Like Keanu Reeves’ Neo (though certainly not on his level), a person in flow obtains the ability to keenly hone their focus on the task at hand so that everything else disappears…’

“So our sense of self, our sense of self-consciousness, they vanish. Time dilates which means sometimes it slows down. You get that freeze frame effect familiar to any of you who have seen The Matrix or been in a car crash. Sometimes it speeds up and five hours will pass by in like five minutes. And throughout all aspects of performance, mental and physical, go through the roof.” -Kotler

Lake Suffocates to Death Over 1,746 People in a Single Night
A “limnic eruption” is a lot like what happens when a shaken can of soda opens suddenly — it explodes, with carbon dioxide bubbles rapidly escaping. In the case of lakes, though, it’s much, much worse. Something at the bottom of the lake — in this case, likely volcanic gas — leaks carbon dioxide into the water. That is what happened with Lake Nyos

‘Lake Nyos is a crater lake in northwest Cameroon. Formed by subterranean volcanic activity, crater lakes commonly have high levels of carbon dioxide. Under normal circumstances, these gases dissipate as the lake water turns over. But the unusually still Lake Nyos is different. Over hundreds of years its deep waters became a high-pressure storage unit, ever more loaded with gases. More than 5 gallons of carbon dioxide were dissolved in every gallon of water. Lake Nyos was a time bomb.

‘On Aug. 21, 1986, something in the lake went off. It is unknown what the trigger was—it may have been a landslide, small volcanic eruption, or even something as small as cold rain falling on an edge of the lake. Whatever the cause, the result was catastrophic. The lake literally exploded in what’s known as a limnic eruption, sending a fountain of water over 300 feet into the air and creating a small tsunami. Hundreds of thousands of tons of carbon dioxide burst forth at 60 miles an hour, suffocating people up to 15 miles away. Of the 800 residents of nearby Nyos, six survived. In all, 1,746 people died and more than 3,500 livestock perished in a matter of minutes…’

The Smaller Modern Jungle We Now Live In
During prehistoric times, man live in fear of the Dinosaurs. They were always fleeing for their lives and caves were the safest refuge for them but which were still not really safe until they invented fire. Now in the urban jungle of our time, the pests are smaller and are the ones fleeing us. Yet these small pests like rats, stray cats, and badgers can really damage our homes, gardens, and farms. So you see, we still live in a jungle but in a smaller and safer one.

About DigitalPlato

Poch is a Bookrix author and a freelance writer. He is a frequent contributor to TED Conversations.
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2 Responses to Your Brain Peforms Better While It Slows Down

  1. jbmorkman24 says:

    Great work, that was a very interesting post.

    Liked by 1 person

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