Zoo Animals Sensed DC Quake

Red Ruffed Lemur Varecia rubra at Bristol Zoo,...

Image via Wikipedia

Apes climbed high seconds before ground started shaking

‘…Then — all this had happened within about five seconds — Braesch felt the earthquake.
‘“Animals seem to know,” she said Wednesday. “You always hear it anecdotally, but this is the first time I’ve seen it.”
‘Orangutans, gorillas, flamingos and red-ruffed lemurs acted strangely before humans detected the historic magnitude-5.8 earthquake. Now the question hovering over the zoo is: What did the animals know, and when did they know it?…’


‘Momma There’s A Truck In The Ceiling!’
This SUV Really Flew

‘Six people inside a Kansas City home were shocked to find an SUV sitting in their attic after hearing a loud boom on Wednesday night.
‘The residents of the home said they heard the loud boom and found the SUV in their attic at about 8:30 p.m…’
Images Of The Wreck


Eat Like a Foodie at Home, Without Breaking Your Budget

‘Just because you enjoy great food doesn’t mean you have to spend a lot of money dining out or buying upscale foods for delicious meals at home. With the advice of some noted chefs and food writers, you can elevate the level of your home-cooked meals even while working with a tight grocery budget, producing feasts that wow for just a few dollars per serving.

‘We’ll show you where to shop and what to stock in your pantry to maximize your dollars-to-enjoyment ratio. We’ll also show you how to save more on buying meat (often the most expensive part of the meal) and techniques and recipes for cooking up some exquisite dishes. Note: you don’t have to consider yourself a “foodie” to use these suggestions—all you need to bring is a desire for great food…’


How To Get Over An Abusive Relationship

‘If you need to know how to get over an abusive relationship, then it’s crucial that you read this article now. All over the world, at least 1 in 3 women are being abused. Men aren’t always spared from this fate either. So if you think you’re alone, think again.
‘Read these guidelines now on how to get over an abusive relationship, so you can start your life anew…’


free Manila concert for human rights

The Asia Foundation has been implementing the Strengthening Human Rights in the Philippines program for over four years now. One of its main goals is to promote respect for human rights and freedom, and progressively secure their effective recognition and observance.
As part of our efforts to promote human rights, the Foundation will be staging a free concert called SOUND RIGHTS. It will be a great venue for human rights defenders and sympathetic citizens to gather and be one for the cause.
We hope you can join us on September 1, 2011, Thursday, 6-11 PM at the Eastwood Central Plaza in Eastwood City, QC. See you!!

My WebIt link: http://bit.ly/cqt5Fs

About DigitalPlato

Poch is a Bookrix author and a freelance writer. He is a frequent contributor to TED Conversations.
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3 Responses to Zoo Animals Sensed DC Quake

  1. this made me chuckle 🙂


  2. pochp says:

    Hi Kevin
    I like your DigitalPoet blog too. Thanks.


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