New World Order Blueprint Leaked

English: Map of the first European corporation...

Imagine a world in total corporate global governance with an accompanying police state

‘This video is a must see for anyone who wishes to more fully understand the implications of this secretly negotiated agreement. This article will also show how if this agreement is considered in the context of other recently passed legislation and developments, and the “dots are connected”, the results would be total corporate global governance with an accompanying police state. In this new system the role of elected governments would be to serve as subservient agents for the transnational corporations, while the armies, police, and courts would serve the interests of these transnational corporations. The status of the member states would be locked-in, similar to countries once they are inside the Eurozone…’

Rare Good News
Federal Judge Blocks NDAA Provision

‘Last month, a federal judge ruled ruled that Section 1021 of NDAA (provision related to indefinite detention) was facially
unconstitutional. Who knows if this will stick, or where this goes from here, but this is great news!

The Peoples’ Real Enemies
“Every government would like to be a totalitarian government if
they could get away with it, it’s only the people’s opposition that
prevents it.” – Lew Rockwell

Lew Rockwell discusses the ‘lust for power’ in government and the
use of fear as a tool for reducing opposition to tyranny.

The Unknown Afghanistan
Most young people know Afghanistan only as a war zone since 2001. Watch this and see the stunning natural beauty of this woeful country

Top Tips for Saving Time and Reducing Stress
‘I know a lot of people who would give anything to get more done and in less time. They typically respond by freaking out, being rushed, and living a high stress life.

‘This stressful existence isn’t the answer.

‘Instead, here’s a chance to have both productivity and freedom from stress. Now I can’t promise this will be easy, fun, or something to brag to friends about. But, I can tell you this is very possible and that the answer lies in the 5 Commandments of Time Management…’

About DigitalPlato

Poch is a Bookrix author and a freelance writer. He is a frequent contributor to TED Conversations.
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