4M Hotel Key Card Locks Hacked


760磁卡锁 (Photo credit: whykkk)

Black Hat hacker gains access to 4 million hotel rooms with Arduinomicrocontroller

‘Bad news: With less than $50 of off-the-shelf hardware and a little bit of programming, it’s possible for a hacker to gain instant, untraceable access to millions of key card-protected hotel rooms.

‘This hack was demonstrated by Cody Brocious, a Mozilla software developer, at the Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas. At risk are four million hotel rooms secured by Onity programmable key card locks. According to Brocious, who should be scolded for not disclosing the hack to Onity before going public, there is no easy fix: There isn’t a firmware upgrade — if hotels want to secure their guests, every single lock will have to be changed…’

Pet Dogs Helping to Find New Weapons to Fight Cancer
Dogs develop cancer the way we do
‘Why dogs? “Cancer as a disease in dogs is as significant as it is in humans,” says Aladar Szalay, founder and CEO of Genelux. “We expect that humans will benefit from the information we obtain from canines.”

‘Genelux is part of a growing branch of cancer research called comparative oncology. The idea behind comparative oncology is simple: Dogs get many of the same cancers that strike humans, including lymphoma, breast cancer, and bone cancer. But unlike genetically altered laboratory rodents and other animals that are used to test potential new cancer treatments, dogs develop the disease naturally…’

Better Explorer
Version: Beta 1
File Size: 14.81
License: Free
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7,Microsoft Windows 8

If you’re eager to get a sense of what Windows Explorer will look like in Windows 8–or simply want a different and more powerful alternative to Windows 7’s file management tool–consider this free project of the CodePlex open-source community

About DigitalPlato

Poch is a Bookrix author and a freelance writer. He is a frequent contributor to TED Conversations.
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