Why Dictators Work Hard to Control Internet

English: Newsroom of the New York Times

English: Newsroom of the New York Times (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Because they are already censoring major news organizations
The New York Times Admits That Virtually Every Major News Organization Allows The News To Be Censored By Government Officials

‘In one of the most shocking articles that the New York Times has ever put out, a New York Times reporter has openly admitted that virtually every major mainstream news organization allows government bureaucrats and campaign officials to censor their stories. For example,…’

First they came for WikiLeaks, then the New York Times
‘When WikiLeaks was initially targeted by the Justice Department for investigation under the Espionage Act, there was very little criticism of the move, either from traditional media outlets like the New York Times (which has had a somewhat fractious relationship with WikiLeaks in the past) or from free-press advocates. It was as though no one wanted to admit that the same forces that were going after WikiLeaks for revealing government data could just as easily be directed at mainstream journalists. Now those particular chickens appear to be coming home to roost…’

Another Threat: Compromise Legislation
Cybersecurity ‘Compromise’ Distracts From Destruction of Internet Freedoms

‘Last week, “compromise legislation” was brought before the US Senate that will enable federal agencies to assess cyber threats while giving them “permission” to exchange information with corporations “under certain conditions” under the justification of better protecting corporations from cyber-attacks.

‘Although the threat has not manifested as of yet, President Obama stated that:

. . . foreign governments, criminal syndicates and lone individuals are probing our financial, energy and public safety systems every day. It would be the height of irresponsibility to leave a digital backdoor wide open to our cyber adversaries…’

My Avaaz petition for the creation of ammunition control law:

About DigitalPlato

Poch is a Bookrix author and a freelance writer. He is a frequent contributor to TED Conversations.
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