Top 10 Conspiracy Theories


Illuminati (Photo credit: corrado.nuccini)

SmashingLists puts Illuminati at the top of list, not 9/11. Is 9/11 part of the Illuminati conspiracy? I also wonder why the global ‘food toxification’ theory wasn’t included

‘This term refers to the supposed network of secret societies which some claim control the world from their inherent positions of social power. Most likely to do with background and bloodline, these societies are said to groom members from birth to adhere to the ‘satanic’ idea of a New World Order, or in other words- a one world Government consisted completely of their kind. Though there has been proof that certain prominent political and social figures have emerged from the same University Fraternity’s and the like, whether or not there is a huge underground plot to scare the world’s population into voluntary slavery at the whim of these already rich people remains to be seen…’

How To Avoid Food Brands Made With Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
‘Genetic Engineering (GE) or Genetic Modification (GM) of food involves the laboratory process of artificially inserting genes into the DNA of food crops or animals. The result is called a genetically modified organism or GMO. GMOs can be engineered with genes from bacteria, viruses, insects, animals, or even humans. Most Americans say they would not eat GMOs if labeled, but unlike most other industrialized countries, the U.S. does not require labeling.

‘This Non-GMO Shopping Guide is designed to help reclaim your right to know about the foods you are buying, and help you find and avoid GMO foods and ingredients…’
Tips for avoiding GM crops

The Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment (OSEH)
‘OSEH is a psychological attack that is being performed on innocent people all around the world. There are a significant number of victims, and there are many common links in what they are describing. It is clear to me, as a victim that has experienced what I believe to be a very broad spectrum of the techniques used, that this attack is being performed by a centralized authority, one whose primary goal is to make public the use of mind control technology. This opinion is made in hindsight after quite a bit of analysis, and the actual psychological attack attempts relentlessly to create confusion and delusion as to both the “how,” “who,” and “why” of something that is so off-putting that it almost unanimously causes its victims to not only cry out at the top of their lungs, but seek out grounding in reality.

‘When it first began happening to me, in November and December of 2010, I called it “reality shifting,” and I imagine it will be very hard to describe just how powerful it is, but I am going to try…’

10 Most Dangerous Hiking Trails
A gentler way of playing with danger
‘Dangerous holes and rotten planks held aloft by tiny pieces of rusted cable stretch as far as you can see. Somewhere below you lies an immense body of water… The howling wind makes the bridge sway side to side and as you grab a railing to hold onto, you suddenly feel how the heart starts to beat faster. Unlike gephyrophobes, many daredevils seek out extreme bridges and hiking trails just for the thrill. An intense fear of heights can trigger gephyrophobia, the fear of bridges. “It is an accepted psychological diagnosis,” stated Dr. Michael R. Liebowitz in an interview for Get ready to face your fears, or maybe find your lifetime adventure, with our list of top 10 most adrenaline pumping hiking trails and bridges…’
Read more: http://www.toptenz

About DigitalPlato

Poch is a Bookrix author and a freelance writer. He is a frequent contributor to TED Conversations.
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