Alice in Wonderland Syndrome Is Real and Scary


Wonderland (Photo credit: scottwills)

‘…I asked Paulina if this was the first time she had experienced such a thing. She shook her head and said it happened every now and then. When I was a little girl, I told her, it would happen to me when I had a fever or was nervous. I told her not to worry and that it would go away on its own.

‘Soon she fell asleep, and I ran straight to my computer. Within minutes, I discovered that there was an actual name for what turns out to be a very rare affliction — Alice in Wonderland Syndrome.

‘Episodes usually include micropsia (objects appear small) or macropsia (objects appear large). Some sufferers perceive their own body parts to be larger or smaller. For me, and Paulina, furniture a few feet away seemed small enough to fit inside a dollhouse…’

Workaholism is hurting the American economy
‘…This overwork shows up in our sleep. Out of five developed peers, four other countries sleep more than us. That has again worsened over the years. In 1942, more than 80 percent of Americans slept seven hours a night or more. Today, 40 percent sleep six hours or less. A lack of sleep makes us poorer workers: People who sleep less than seven hours a night have a much harder time concentrating and getting work done.

‘Perhaps it would be worth all of this if working longer and harder produced better results, fueled the economy, and created wealth for everyone. But that’s not likely. Taking some time off actually improves a worker’s productivity at work. A study from Ernst & Young found that every ten hours of vacation time taken by an employee boosted her year-end performance rating by 8 percent and lowered turnover. Former NASA scientists found that people who take vacations experience an 82 percent increase in job performance upon their return, with longer vacations making more of an impact than short ones. Putting in too many hours, on the other hand, does the opposite. More than 60 hours a week will create a small productivity flurry at first, but it’ll start to decline again after three or four weeks. Other studies have found the same initial burst followed, but a worse decline…’

Why Sting Will Not Allow His Children Inheritance

I think this is the most revealing interview Sting allowed. Don’t miss it if you admire Sting
As one of the world’s most successful rock stars, he has risen from an impoverished childhood to amass a huge fortune. Sting had to escape his family and abandon his North East roots. ‘It was a pretty violent wrench. I didn’t feel I belonged there and the family was pretty dysfunctional in many ways,’ he said

‘Now Sting has made it clear  that his children will also have to earn their own way and should not expect to benefit from his £180 million earnings.

‘In a frank interview in today’s Mail on Sunday Event magazine, the former Police frontman said  he expected his three sons and three daughters to work, and added that there would not be much left to inherit anyway.

‘Sting, 62, who still has more than 100 people on his payroll, said: ‘I told them there won’t be much money left because we are spending it! We have a lot of commitments. What comes in, we spend, and there isn’t much left.’

‘’They have to work. All my kids know that and they rarely ask me for anything, which I really respect and appreciate.’…’
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About DigitalPlato

Poch is a Bookrix author and a freelance writer. He is a frequent contributor to TED Conversations.
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