Manila Hackers Fulfill ‘Bloody Monday’

Philippine hackers have restarted to attack .gov websites in protest against treacherous cybercrime law. I wish the clown Sotto has a site of his own. Immigrant Filipinos who don’t like dictatorship should support the protests

Tech Irony of the Year?
Book About Kickstarter Fails to Raise Enough Money on Kickstarter
I think this was a sort of ‘self-promotion’ that failed big

‘…According to author Glenn Fleishman, it’s a book that “distills hard-won lessons of successful projects into well-documented advice alongside case studies.” The problem? Fleishman turned to Kickstarter to raise $35,000 for his goal, and this weekend, he failed to reach his goal…’

Why Password Leaks Are Dangerous
‘Password leaks are so dangerous because many people use the same password for multiple websites. If you register for a website with your email address and provide the same password you use for your email account, that email/password combination may be present on a list somewhere.

‘Crackers can then use this email/password combination to gain access to your email account. Even if you use a different password for your email account, they may try the email or account name and password combination on other websites to gain access to your other accounts…’

Mozilla’s privacy-friendly website login system replaces multiple passwords. This means you only need one password to sign in to many sites.

The Ultimate Gmail Search
When all Gmail searches have failed, use “in: anywhere” to search all folders, inboxes, Spam and Trash.

About DigitalPlato

Poch is a Bookrix author and a freelance writer. He is a frequent contributor to TED Conversations.
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