Serial Plane-Hopper Strikes Again

‘A notorious 62-year-old stowaway who was arrested six times trying to sneak onto flights at San Francisco International Airport, US, has managed to fly from Mineta San Jose International Airport to Los Angeles without a ticket.

‘This marks the second significant security breach at the US airport in the past four months.

‘Marilyn Jean Hartman was arrested late Monday at Los Angeles Interational Airport (LAX) after she sneaked past security at the San Jose airport and onto a Southwest Airlines flight to Los Angeles. ..’

10 Myths About Sugar
‘We know one thing for sure. Sugar consumption in America has skyrocketed. In 1990, Americans ate an average of 4 teaspoons (16 grams) of added sugar per day

. By 2014, that number had shot up to 20 teaspoons (80 grams) daily

. In addition, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says Americans obtain 16 percent of their total calories from added sugars, namely soda, energy and sports drinks, grain-based desserts, sugar-sweetened fruit drinks, dairy-based desserts and candy. The World Health Organization’s (WHO) recommendation? We should only be getting less than 10 percent of our daily calories from added sugar. In 2014, the WHO even proposed slashing that recommended rate to less than 5 percent…’

Clearly, we need to pay attention to sugar and our consumption rate. But first, we need to learn the truth about our favorite sweetener.…

Sad Truth of Small Farming: No One’s Making Any Money
‘Whenever a customer asked how things were going, I replied, Great. I thought about the sinking ship, and never said, Well, we’re making ends meet, but we work 12 hour days, 6 days a week, and pay ourselves only what we need to cover food and household expenses: $100 per week. I didn’t tell anyone how, over the course of the last three years since Ryan and I had started our farm, I’d drained most of my savings. I didn’t admit that the only thing keeping the farm afloat was income Ryan and I earned through other means — Ryan working as a carpenter and I as a baker. I didn’t say that despite the improvements we made to the land— the hundreds of yards of compost we spread, the thousand dollars we spent annually on cover crop seed to increase soil fertility, every weed pulled — we gained no equity because we didn’t own the land. I didn’t say I felt like I was trying to fill a bathtub when the drain was open…’

Hula Hoop and Twisted Intestines
‘BEIJING (AP) _ After pushing hula hoops as a way to stay fit, the official media today warned that some Chinese who belatedly caught on to the American 60s craze are overdoing it and bending themselves out of shape.

‘The China Sports News (Zhongguo Tiyu Bao) said Beijing worker Xu Denghai was hospitalized with what it called a twisted intestine after playing with a hula hoop on Feb. 26 with his co-workers. It did not elaborate.

‘Xu was the third person in Beijing to suffer intestinal injury because of improper use of a hula hoop, the newspaper said, citing information from an article in the Beijing Youth News (Beijing Qingnian Bao).

‘The Sports News said Dr. Yang Hua of Beijing No. 3 Hospital warned that the gyrating motion of twirling a hula hoop around the body is a strenuous activity. Yang urged people to limit the time they use the novelty rings, the newspaper said. ..’

About DigitalPlato

Poch is a Bookrix author and a freelance writer. He is a frequent contributor to TED Conversations.
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