Big PayScale Career Tip

Big tip for high school grads who are still undecided which course to take. PayScale lists the highest-paying undergrad degrees and their mid-career median salaries. This will surely help you decide:

1.Aerospace engineering, $109,000
2.Chemical engineering, $107,000
3.Computer engineering, $105,000
4.Electrical engineering, $102,000
5.Economics, $101,000
6.Physics, $98,800
7.Mechanical engineering, $98,300
8.Computer science, $97,400
9.Industrial engineering, $95,000
10. Environmental engineering, $94,500
Surprise: journalism ranks below agriculture but above fashion design! —Matt Cantor SOURCE: PayScale

About DigitalPlato

Poch is a Bookrix author and a freelance writer. He is a frequent contributor to TED Conversations.
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