Is Salt Really Bad for You?

English: A small Greek table salt bowl with li...

English: A small Greek table salt bowl with lid c.1950 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Rejoice! Gary Taubes says no and cracks open flimsy anti-salt science

‘One could still argue that all these people should reduce their salt intake to prevent hypertension, except for the fact that four of these studies — involving Type 1 diabetics, Type 2 diabetics, healthy Europeans and patients with chronic heart failure — reported that the people eating salt at the lower limit of normal were more likely to have heart disease than those eating smack in the middle of the normal range. Effectively what the 1972 paper would have predicted.

‘Proponents of the eat-less-salt campaign tend to deal with this contradictory evidence by implying that anyone raising it is a shill for the food industry and doesn’t care about saving lives. An N.I.H. administrator told me back in 1998 that to publicly question the science on salt was to play into the hands of the industry. “As long as there are things in the media that say the salt controversy continues,” he said, “they win.”…’

Solid Proof That Chemotherapy is a Scam
75% of Physicians Would Refuse Chemotherapy for Themselves

‘Research using polls and questionnaires continue to show that 3 of every 4 doctors and scientists would refuse chemotherapy for themselves due to its devastating effects on the entire body and the immune system, and because of its extremely low success rate. On top of that, only 2 to 4% of all cancers even respond to chemotherapy or prove to be “life extending,” yet it is prescribed across the board for just about every kind of cancer…’

Girls’ Cancer Treatments Hike Breast Cancer Risk
‘Children diagnosed with cancer remain at risk from a variety of serious, long-term complications even years after doctors pronounce them cured.

‘Now, new research shows that girls treated with radiation for pediatric tumors face a later risk of breast cancer that’s six to seven times as high as that of other women…’

New Jersey’s ‘Bermuda Triangle’
‘…But there’s also a dark side to the popular Clinton Township fishing hole, New Jersey’s deepest man-made lake. Somewhere in its depths lie six presumably drowned men who’ve been missing for years, and surrounding it are tales about its death toll, which numbers roughly a couple dozen within the past 40 years.

‘Some locals call the reservoir “the Bermuda Triangle of New Jersey,” a nickname that’s being uttered once again after a fishing hook snared a skeletal human foot earlier this month…’

Animation is 30,000 Years Old
‘Welcome to Animation Domination, Stone Age style. By about 30,000 years ago, Europeans were using cartoon-like techniques to give observers the impression that lions and other wild beasts were charging across cave walls, two French investigators find.

‘Ancient artists created graphic stories in caves and illusions of moving animals on rotating bone disks, say archaeologist Marc Azéma of the University of Toulouse–Le Mirail in France and Florent Rivère, an independent artist based in Foix, France…’

Remember, if the barcode on an item you’re buying starts with 6-9, it’s made in China, fake, or poisoned. Don’t buy it.

About DigitalPlato

Poch is a Bookrix author and a freelance writer. He is a frequent contributor to TED Conversations.
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