The Problem with Jargon in Crime Books

WP Writers Group

While I was reading James Lee Burke’s ‘Cimarron Rose‘, I wondered why the book wasn’t a bestseller. It is a rare novel  where heavy human drama and insensitive hardboiled action were combined. An excerpt:

‘Then I had one of those moments that nullify all easy definitions about human behavior and the nature of love…’ (Burke then described how the father of a beastly criminal kissed his son while son was asleep from too much drugs and hyperactivity).

Then I remembered I found it the most hard to understand his hardboiled crime lingo, including almost obsolete words. Plus the fact that he used old western American language. That might be the reason. A lesson non-bestselling authors could use.

Anyway, Burke doesn’t need any more bestsellers. He has had enough of those and various awards.

Even Coleridge was a Plagiarist!

The list keeps getting longer. These are five more:

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About DigitalPlato

Poch is a Bookrix author and a freelance writer. He is a frequent contributor to TED Conversations.
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