How ‘Speechjammer’ Will Shut You Up

Is this a weapon against freedom of speech?

‘Japanese scientists with the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology claimed this week that they have developed a novel new weapon by combining two specialized technologies in such a way that they are now capable of rendering someone unable to speak.

While it’s not technically a weapon, their “portable speech-jamming gun” could certainly be used as one, especially against political leaders or others who speak to large audiences for a living…’

Bad Tech Habits
How to Break Them

‘As we get overwhelmed with work, kids, school, extracurricular activities and social events, it’s easy to forget about the maintenance and health of our tech and ourselves. Since spring is the time to refresh your home, it’s also the perfect time to refresh your habits where your tech is concerned.

‘Are you guilty of these 10 bad habits? Find out how to turn things around, below…’

Tracked Keywords on Twitter and Facebook [VIDEO]
‘Next time you write about an “infection,” cooking “pork,” sitting at the “airport” or “subway,” or even mention “social media,” know there’s a chance the Department of Homeland Security will scan the tweet or Facebook comment.

‘The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) just released DHS internal documents about the surveillance of social media and the information collected daily. EPIC gained access to the documents with a lawsuit, pushing the Freedom of Information Act.

‘The documents included hundreds of keywords that the government tracks…’

Drug War Debate via Hangout
‘Google announced a new Hangout video show called Versus today on the YouTube blog. It’s a partnership with Intelligence², a worldwide forum based in the U.K. that has hosted debates for radio and television since 2002. Well-known participants debate a proposed motion, and the audience can vote in real time on the value of the arguments.

‘The first motion will be “It’s time to end the War on Drugs.” Participants include Richard Branson, Russell Brand, Julian Assange and the former presidents of Mexico and Brazil. The moderator is Emily Maitlis of the BBC. It airs on the Versus YouTube channel on March 13 at 7:00 p.m. GMT. By participating on the Versus Google+ page, you could be picked to participate, too…’

Language-learning games for your brains

The Latest High- tech Wristwatches

About DigitalPlato

Poch is a Bookrix author and a freelance writer. He is a frequent contributor to TED Conversations.
This entry was posted in Games, health, inventions, social networking, Society, TECHNOLOGY. Bookmark the permalink.

6 Responses to How ‘Speechjammer’ Will Shut You Up

  1. David Spira says:

    The speechjammer’s implications are pretty damn scary. I think it is a weapon because it can be used to either attack or defend. Sure it doesn’t cause bodily harm, but I don’t think that makes it any less of a weapon.

    Something tells me this thing will find its way onto the Christmas lists’ of many tyrants.


  2. Pingback: Homeland Security Tracks These Keywords on Twitter and Facebook VIDEO « Trutherator's Weblog

  3. souldipper says:

    Can you imagine high school kids with that speech gun?! 😀

    I signed up for Firefox’s “Do Not Track” option. Wonder what that does to the DNSecurity??

    Best thing to do…have no secrets, make no stupid remarks.


    • pochp says:

      I can imagine that! LOL You’d be a great comedy writer too Amy!

      Me too Amy. I have lots of legit apps that I allow to track me and to allow all manually would be a big task. Anyway, ‘do not track’ is only meant for malicious sites.

      ‘Best thing to do…have no secrets, make no stupid remarks.’
      I second that.


  4. rossfinn says:

    Reblogged this on infoinno.


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