The Traveling Dutch Euthanasia Squads

They’ll end patients’ lives if their doctors refuse. And if the patients allow the squad to end their lives, who is responsible for the deaths?

‘Six specialised teams will criss-cross the Netherlands to carry out euthanasia at the home of patients whose own doctors refuse to do so, a pro-euthanasia group said.

“‘From Thursday, the Levenseindekliniek (Life-end clinic) will have mobile teams where people who think they comply with the criteria for euthanasia can register,” Right-to-die NL (NVVE) spokeswoman Walburg de Jong said.

‘”If they comply, the teams will carry out the euthanasia at patients’ homes should their normal doctors refuse to help them.”

‘Ms De Jong says the group, called the Life-end clinic, has teams made up of a specially-trained doctor and nurse who will work part time, visiting patients all over the Netherlands.

‘The Netherlands became the first country in the world to legalise euthanasia in April 2002, and has strict criteria regulating how such mercy killings can be carried out…’

Hypersecurity and Child Trauma
Where the irrational fear of guns can lead

Over at 2nd Amendment TV we keep a close eye on firearms related ridiculousness from both media and government. This one is from our nice neighbors to the north.

A four year old girl drew a ‘picture’ of her father holding a gun, her teacher called Family and Children’s Services (Canada’s equivalent of Child Protective Services), who in turn called the

When the father arrived at the school to pick up his daughter he was met by police who arrested him, subjected him to a full strip search, and likely traumatized the child who watched her father
being arrested.

Turns out there never was a real gun, the inspiration for the drawing was a toy gun belonging to her brother…

The Worsening Immorality in Sports
NFL Teams Paid Bounties to Injure Opponents

‘The Washington Redskins had a bounty system for big hits on opponents under former defensive coordinator Gregg Williams that was similar to the one revealed by an NFL investigation of the New Orleans Saints, four players who played under Williams said Friday.

‘Three of the players described a coach who doled out thousands of dollars to Redskins defenders who measured up to Williams’s scoring system for rugged play, including “kill shots” that knocked opposing teams’stars out of a game…’

Geographical Wonders of the World
The world is a masterpiece of God which is packed with astonishing and inspiring wonders. Once you come across with these natural marvels, their natural beauty will take your breath away. Although, it is impossible to gather all geographical wonders in one list, somehow, I managed to compile a list of geographical wonders which I found most incredible.

Quote of the Week
Vladimir V. Putin on being asked if he will run again in 2018:
“It would be normal, if things are going well, and people want it,” Mr. Putin said in an interview with the editors of six foreign newspapers. “And if people don’t want it and things aren’t going well, and a person clings to his chair and doesn’t want to give it away, and if, on top of that, he violates the law — that would not be normal.

“But I don’t know whether I want to remain for more than 20 years,” he continued, according to an official transcript of the meeting. “I have not yet made this decision for myself.”

About DigitalPlato

Poch is a Bookrix author and a freelance writer. He is a frequent contributor to TED Conversations.
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