A Better Option for Smart Vehicles

smart 42

smart 42 (Photo credit: teemus)

Smart car auto-door-lock, auto-window-lock, locking gas pedal — those are some features that have caused smart vehicle accidents. 2 FBI agents were massacred by gangsters when their smart SUV deployed auto-open-door. Here’s a better option

Plug-In Device Turns Older Vehicles Into Smart Cars
‘A simple device from Audiovox called ‘Car Connection‘ plugs into a vehicle’s OBD-II port (standard on all cars made after 1996) and creates a smart two-way interface. Once connected, the owner can receive information to improve the safety and security of the car.

‘You can ask for reports about your driving habits that provide coaching and fuel saving tips, track the vehicle’s location online or from a smartphone in real-time, and help the authorities locate the car if it’s stolen…’

Design Flaws That Annoy You Every Day
A gadget package you tried opening have probably made you mad right? Then you wonder why would anyone in the world design packaging that’s impossible to open? The reason is they are trying to prevent package theft and shoplifting.

‘Package Pilferage describes a crime when small, relatively expensive objects are removed from their outside packaging (in which various anti-theft tags and devices are embedded) and stolen…’
see full list

A $20 per Class Design School
Can’t Afford Art School? Jump Online for a World-Class Education in Design

‘Design is becoming a prerequisite for business success, but with a year at a top-flight school like RISD easily costing more than $53,000, that learning doesn’t necessarily come cheap. Luckily, education marketplace Skillshare has created a new online school of design with world-class teachers that only costs $20 per class.

‘The professors at the Skillshare School of Design are a talented and ecclectic bunch. Stewart Scott-Curran, who designed World Cup uniforms for Nike, is teaching a class on fashion. Jessica Harllee, a designer at Kickstarter, is teaching a course on wireframing for the web. Chris Delorenzo, the lead designer for uber-hip street fashion brand Johnny Cupcakes, is teaching a course on the art of the t-shirt. There are currently over 20 classes on topics like motion graphics, hand lettering, and infographic creation…’

Social Influence [Infographic]


About DigitalPlato

Poch is a Bookrix author and a freelance writer. He is a frequent contributor to TED Conversations.
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