Why the Tech Community Hates Feminists

Alice Marwick

Alice Marwick (Photo credit: Scott Beale)

The first time I got intimidated at a Tech forum, it was done by a female moderator with username ‘Queen’ (aptly isn’t it?). I refused to give unnecessary private details and she started ranting like a god. I don’t have anything against women in Tech. I even give praise where praise is due (I’m now admiring the author of this piece, Alice Marwick, see?). But I pledged I will not ever be bossed around again by a feminist or any dictator.

‘The misguided focus on whether or not Richards was in the right ignores the bigger picture, which reveals a well-documented pattern of women in technology being shamed, doxxed, threatened, and harassed when they speak out publicly against sexism.

‘Sadly, what happened to Adria Richards tells women they’re only welcome in technology if they keep their mouths shut. There’s a big gap between geeks and programmers, and MRA-influenced trolls, but this incident demonstrates what happens when these communities overlap. Just as MRAs vehemently protest the mere suggestion that men are responsible for social ills, technologists need to make it very clear that blaming women for sexism is not acceptable…’
full article

Vintage Collections
Rare ‘BioShock’ Audio Diary for Sale
Though I prefer my own handwritten. You will have to transcribe an audio diary to text to have a secure backup anyway.

‘A ridiculously rare functional BioShock audio diary is currently up for grabs.The eBay auction is slated to close on March 31, so collectors don’t have long to bid.

‘How rare is this audio diary exactly? According to gameshirts702, the seller, there’s only a grand total of four of these out in the wild. All of them were created as part of a viral marketing effort for the release of BioShock 2. You might remember a little ARG called There’s Something in the Sea, and the audio diaries are a direct result of jumping through all of those hoops.

‘Unfortunately, the seller has fallen on hard times financially, and the precious audio diary — which has been kept in a glass box all this time — will hopefully help alleviate this burden. Given that the auction’s up to $1,675 as of writing, he or she has a pretty good chance…’

Best Buy Employee Saves Vintage Robot From Destruction
But he’s in danger of being fired from job
‘On Reddit, the employee explained that the robot was brought into his store to be recycled as part of the company’s “Renew Blue” program. Though R.O.B.’s production life span was short (on shelves for little more than a year in the mid-’80s), the employee had fond memories of this inanimate video game companion. But when he asked his employer if he could take R.O.B. home and spare him an untimely death, he was denied and told he would lose his job if he tried to abscond with the robot.

‘But the employee (who goes by the unfortunate Reddit handle “ipoopinthesink”), wouldn’t take “no” for an answer, he hid the robot in the Best Buy warehouse as a stalling tactic while he took the story public. He shared pictures of the soon-to-be-recycled robot…’

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About DigitalPlato

Poch is a Bookrix author and a freelance writer. He is a frequent contributor to TED Conversations.
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