How Big Business Targets Children

Cover of "The Corporation: The Pathologic...

Cover via Amazon

“Corporate behavior is very similar to that of a psychopath.”
The diagnostic criteria for psychopathy is:
1. Unable to be concerned for others
2. Only advances their own self interest
3. Has trouble obeying the law and social conventions

Bakan wrote the book “The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power” in 2004. This book for the basis of the film “The Corporation.” Here he directs his attention at corporations and children.
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Even After Doctors Are Sanctioned or Arrested, Medicare Keeps Paying
‘”Health care fraud steals funds from programs designed to benefit patients, and we all pay for it,” U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade said in a press release at the time of the arrests. “We hope that the strength of our efforts will have a deterrent effect.”

‘But the indictment and Medicaid suspensions didn’t deter Medicare from continuing to allow the doctors to treat elderly and disabled patients — and billing taxpayers for their services.

‘In 2012, Medicare paid Greenbain more than $862,000, according to newly released data on Medicare payments to physicians. Tran received $155,000…’

Environmental Activists Now an Endangered Species
Study Finds Global Surge in Murders of Environmental Activists

‘A new reports finds the killings of environmental and land rights activists worldwide has tripled over the past decade. The group Global Witness documented 147 activists who were killed in 2012, compared to 51 in 2002. The death rate is now an average of two per week. Almost none of the killers have faced charges. We air interviews with some of the late activists featured in the report, including José da Silva, a Brazilian conservationist and environmentalist who campaigned against logging and clearcutting of trees in the Amazon rainforest. In 2011, José and his wife, Maria, were murdered by masked gunmen. “This could be the tip of the iceberg in terms of the scale of the real problem,” says Global Witness campaigner Oliver Courtney, who says details about the murders were nearly impossible to locate…’
This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.

How the U.S. Government is Paying to Undermine Internet Security, Not Fix It
‘Dan Kaminsky, a security researcher who saved the Internet from a similarly fundamental flaw back in 2008, says that Heartbleed shows that it’s time to get “serious about figuring out what software has become Critical Infrastructure to the global economy, and dedicating genuine resources to supporting that code.”

‘The Obama Administration has said it is doing just that with its national cybersecurity initiative, which establishes guidelines for strengthening the defense of our technological infrastructure — but it does not provide funding for the implementation of those guidelines.

‘Instead, the National Security Agency, which has responsibility to protect U.S. infrastructure, has worked to weaken encryption standards. And so private websites — such as Facebook and Google, which were affected by Heartbleed — often use open-source tools such as OpenSSL, where the code is publicly available and can be verified to be free of NSA backdoors…’

About DigitalPlato

Poch is a Bookrix author and a freelance writer. He is a frequent contributor to TED Conversations.
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2 Responses to How Big Business Targets Children

  1. Reblogged this on Big Blue Dot Y'all and commented:
    We haven’t had local or cable television for three years. The best thing about it? Our kids don’t see commercials. Unless they are on YouTube and can click through them. What this means practically is that they don’t know what products they are “supposed” to have…they only know what their friends have and that provides enough perpetual want. They already have more stuff than I had my entire childhood. My grandmother grew up with one doll. One.


    • DigitalPlato says:

      That is a most beautiful shortest story Kristen. Typical except of your grandma having grown up just one doll!

      The problem even if our kids don’t see TV ads is that they see ads everywhere whenever they go out. I hope we could solve that.


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